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​About Us

L.A.D.I.E.S.  (Leading Advancing Developing Individuals to Empower Success) is an organization that focuses on two phases in the lives of women of all ages:


Phase I  Image and Identity (How do you see yourself?)


     This phase directs you on your journey of discovering the true YOU! We will help you to uncover the treasure trove that lies within, If you can first learn to LOVE yourself. We are commitment and dedicated in helping to educate you so that  when the storms of life arise you would have learned how to navigate life to ensure you reach your destination. 


How: Providing workshops that enable you to address and confront that THING in life that stagnates your growth.  


  • Loving yourself, knowing how to forgive, letting go and dealing with anger.

  • Education for your body (i.e. health, nutrition and phases of life)

  • Life Decisions (18 & under only)


Phase II   Vision and Purpose (To let Go! To Love! To Live)


  This phase inspires and empowers you as you identify your purpose in life. We will provide the tools to help you start that THING that has been inside you “to both be and do”. This allows you to live your life with both purpose and intent.


  How: Providing workshops, training, seminars and consultation that will lead you to advance and develop your road to success.


  • Vision and purpose 

  • Setting goals (roadmap) 

  • Network opportunities

  • Mentorship

  • Finance (budgeting, credit score handling expenses)




Helping ladies of all ages to realize their potential past the hurts of life; To let go! To love! To Live! 




To inspire, educate and motivate ladies of all ages to discover their true image, identity, and purpose and who they are called “to be and do.”  Leading them through the hurts of the past. Advancing them to Developing the love for themselves as an Individual.  Empowering them that they may lead others on the road to Success.


Let Go | Love | Live |

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